Category Archives: Crafting

Holy cinnamon sticks, Batman!


Cinnamon sticksThe final countdown

For the past week, my kitchen has smelled like cinnamon. Warm and spicy. The only thing that has managed to overpower it is when we cook with garlic. And then it comes back. The source? The cookie-like cinnamon ornaments that have been hanging around drying, waiting to be decorated.

As part of the launch for Foundling Folk, I’m doing a bit of fundraising for the Kodály Ensemble at their fall táncház this weekend. I’ve made a ton of Christmas ornaments by blending Hungarian traditional honey cakes (mézeskalács) with a more permanent (but equally scrumptious) technique using cinnamon dough. You can seen the photos in the stunning collage above (ha!).
I love this stuff! It’s super to work with – just like baking cookies! But the dough hardens into a permanent shape that will keeps its lovely cinnamon spiciness for years! Then I get out my paints and whip up a little decoration on them and – bazinga! – you’ve got a folksy Christmas decoration!
So, while I’ve been busy getting Foundling Folk ready for the táncház, I’ve completely forgotten about us getting ready for the táncház.
Getting all spruced up
Personally, I don’t make as much fuss about getting ready for a táncház as I used to. Probably has to do with the fact that I’m no longer munchkin-less and that my prep time for just about any event is limited to what I can do during a quick 15 minute escape. I used to pride myself in being able to get out of the house within 20 minutes, but those days are long gone!
I’m one of those people I mentioned in my previous post who likes to sit on the fence when it comes to what to wear to a táncház. Sometimes I’ll go for a tunic and leggings, other times, a skirt is a must. Since I’m performing with UngroRom, I’ll probably be going in a skirt. Maybe a change of clothes for later (I tend to lose patience with skirts, especially if it’s my turn to drive home at the end of the night).
To get in the mood, I also like to listen to my “hit list” of favourite folk music. In my opinion, nothing gets me going like some Moldva – Kárpátia (not to be confused with Kárpátia) or Csürrentő really get me in the par-tay mind set.
And alas, no folk dancer can really get away with going to a party without having something to iron. *bleh*. Since we  in Toronto usually have a quick showcase before the start of the táncház, this means costumes. At least it’s only Happy Hubby’s costumes this time. Hmmmm… There must be a way to get a man to iron his own shirts…
Táncház time!
So what do you do to get ready for a folk party? Do you have a routine or do you just throw something on and head out the door?